Racial Equity Support Line

Racial Equity Support Line n 503-575-3764 n 9am-5pm, weekdays n The ,Racial Equity Support Line is a service of Lines for Life, led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism. They offer support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of … Read more

Respond to Racism Statement Regarding Mayor Studebaker’s remarks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNxR0W9XLPY n The Respond to Racism’s Board of Directors and Leadership Team strongly condemn Mayor Studebaker’s remarks which perpetuate racism in Lake Oswego. n n In an interview with KOIN TV on Monday, Lake Oswego Mayor Kent Studebaker said a racist sign incident that was in the news a few weeks ago, was a “one-off”. … Read more

VIDEO: Lake “No Negro” (documentary)

Documenting history is an integral part of organizing work. In addition to creating a record of events, it creates further opportunities for people to engage with the issues and learn lessons for building a better future. n n Recent Lakeridge graduate Mya Gordon is no stranger to that work. As the founder of the Lakeridge … Read more