Respond to Racism’s Bruce Poinsette featured in Willamette Week Article

After a neighborhood dispute about a Black Lives Matter sign went viral, Willamette Week talked to Respond to Racism volunteer Bruce Poinsette about the work the group is doing.



The incident centered around an anonymous letter written to a family with a Black Lives Matter message in their window.



“On Tuesday, a resident of the affluent Portland suburb posted a letter that her family, which is East Indian, received in response to a sign placed in the window of their home supporting racial justice.



The sign—which read “Silence Supports Police Violence”—apparently perturbed some neighbors, who wrote an anonymous letter asking for it to be taken down and claiming, among other things, that the display was driving down property values on the street.”



In the 10 minute video, Poinsette talks about how Respond to Racism was formed, how RtR has been supporting the family that was targeted, and shares some of his experiences from growing up in Lake Oswego.

Read the full article on the Willamette Week site: A Dispute Over a Black Lives Matter Sign in Lake Oswego Went Viral This Week. Bruce Poinsette Isn’t Surprised.



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