Book Group on The Inner Work of Racial Justice, by Rhonda V. Magee. Register by 4/15!

Join us for a 5-part book group to discuss how we can support one another in fine tuning our skills to address racism/implicit bias more proactively and effectively.


The Inner Work of Racial Justice by Rhonda V. Magee invites us to use mindfulness as a tool to increase our awareness of the ways racism/implicit bias arises in our daily lives and in the ways we have been taught to think. We will also explore mindfulness-based practices to foster compassion for ourselves and one another, as we work to move past the obstacles that derail us into silence, shame, or “call-out culture.”


Professor Magee’s strategies will help us cultivate the equanimity we need to “go deep” into our own experiences with racism, and importantly, to engage in “right action” to heal ourselves and our communities.


Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm on 4/20, 4/27, 5/11, 5/18 & 6/01 via zoom.


There is no fee to participate. Email by 4/15 to register. Copies of this book are available.


Sandy Leybold and Annie Meneakis look forward to having you join us.


Annie Meneakis utilizes mindfulness tools in her work as a trauma & couples therapist. She has a background in the psychology of racism & ongoing community-based anti-racism work, and embraces anti-racism ally work and its necessary introspection as a lifelong journey.


Sandy Leybold challenges her relationship to race as a member of Lake Oswego-based Respond to Racism and its Policing Committee, and as a student of anti-racism, including learning from Black Buddhist teachers and co-facilitating study/practice groups. She appreciates the universal principles in all spiritual traditions and the unity of human experience.

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