Tangible practices to support liberation for all
Abolition Praxis in the 21st Century is much about bridging the gap between the seemingly abstract, and, the tangible practices that can be put into daily action. Please join Amber with Spirited Justice, as she supports starting this 2024 year with a community conversation that critically examines the ways in which we can each best show up aligning our values and access for the Liberation of all. In this meeting we’ll discuss why abolition is still relevant, how it’s a springboard to creating better practices and systems, and ultimately how it strengthens community and collective safety and sovereignty.
Join us in-person or watch live on our Youtube Channel
Amber Boydston (she/her) is a light skinned Black femme, mother to two children, and the founder of Spirited Justice, an Abolition, Justice Education, and Mediation organization, based in Portland, Oregon, where she was also born. Amber’s early career began at age 13 working with Clackamas County providing family mediation and peer mediation training inside of public, private and higher-ed schools, while also mediating inside of and outside of the justice systems. Working with youth Amber incorporated tools and practices of theatre of the oppressed into all conflict resolution training. She has served on the Peacemakers board in Oregon, been a regular presenter at the Oregon Mediation Association and NW Justice Forum Trainings, worked and supported multiple justice focused programs at Resolutions Northwest, and created curriculum and programming for the Blazers Boy & Girls Clubs.