Respond to Racism works daily to educate and empower Lake Oswego residents and institutions with the tools to combat racism in all its forms and make LO — and Oregon — a better place to live for residents of all races and ethnicities. Clackamas County Commissioner Mark Shull has expressed views that are racist, Islamophobic, and transphobic. While Respond to Racism welcomes dialogue, we do not support and we specifically condemn Mr. Shull’s views as he expressed them; they only serve to divide our community.
Words have power, especially when they come from our leaders. Mr. Shull’s words fuel the ignorance and resentments that deepen our divisions. His words and actions increase anger and division, and they distract us from the work before us which is to address injustice. We must not be distracted from this work as injustice, inequity and divisiveness is threatening to destroy our country.
Mr. Shull should immediately step down from his position in leadership. We need our leaders to share a vision of equality and inclusiveness where all people will feel welcomed and valued.